
Cod ww2 divisions pack not working
Cod ww2 divisions pack not working

add 75 points of increased convoy_def_eff bonus to selected electronics, doctrine, and aircraft techs to represent improved convoy routing and evasion of subs increase naval transport build times to 225 days to approximate real cost of 20 transports per flotilla v. decrease all naval sub detection values by 80 % (allows subs to reach patrol zones at closer to historical rates) increase all naval surface attack and defense values by 100 % (damage in naval battles per hour is too low, plus surface navy is too vulnerable to convoy escorts) decrease all naval surface detection values by 90 % (cuts down sub attacks on convoys to historical levels, also allows naval task forces to pass through sea zones without automatically being engaged every day by convoys and getting damaged) fix ground_def_eff bug by reversing sign and decreasing effect 60 % increase all ground defense values by 100 % (relates to a problem I will be discussing in my ongoing Finland AAR) adjust land unit movement downward again (final value not determined but they're still too fast) increase all armor soft attack values by 50 % (partial compensation for being made vulnerable by increased hard attack)

cod ww2 divisions pack not working

increase all land unit hard attack values by 200 % (the increased armor losses mod I have also been preaching since January) increase oil-to-rubber conversion tech efficiencies by 200-300 % (a persistent problem in original HOI assumptions) reduce unit costs 50 % for all unit types (adjust overall economy to compensate) reduce supply costs 60 % for all unit types (to keep them from spiraling to 10x previous level) change supply-to-IC ratio by -90 % to make rebuilds cost correct amount (the classic "Math Guy mod" I began talking about in January) This is the smallest "footprint" of change I can introduce and still compensate properly for the very disruptive impact of the "Math Guy mod" and its related parameter changes. The "units" folder and the "tech" folder will be completely replaced, nothing else will change. I won't introduce any new unit types or any new techs, just change parameters on the ones already in the game.

cod ww2 divisions pack not working

Please note these are the ONLY files it will change, there will be no OOB changes, no AI file changes, no map changes, no event changes.

cod ww2 divisions pack not working

This mod will adjust several dozen parameters of the game - costs and unit values - basically replacing all the unit files and all the tech files, as every one of them is affected by the changes.

cod ww2 divisions pack not working

As Johan just said yesterday that 1.06 WILL be released fairly soon, HSP v0.1 will be based on that. To all my fellow HOI fans and especially to the modders:Īfter seven months of repeated requests, I'm happy to announce that I'm working toward the beta release of an Historical Statistics Pack v0.1 for HOI 1.05b in late November 2003.

Cod ww2 divisions pack not working